Partner with Rush

Enjoy exclusive perks, priority support, and industry leading rewards to help grow your agency and make your clients happier.

Shopify installs

30X average
client ROI on Rush

revenue generated

Top Rated
shipment app on Shopify

Generate Extra Revenue for You and Your Clients

The Rush Partner Program powered by Shop Circle is for agencies and consultants wanting to assist Shopify merchants in implementing smart post-purchase shipping notifications & a custom branded tracking page to generate more revenue and increase retention.

Rely on our partner team for product education & proven strategies to help clients grow smarter and faster with Rush

Revenue Share

Up to 30% revenue share commission ongoing for 12 months including monthly payouts via PayPal or Direct Transfer.

Great Pricing + Rewards for your agency

Our pricing is in-line with the growth of your clients. You can focus on what you do best and let Rush worry about ROI, it's that easy.


We like to support our partners. Gain exposure for your agency though case studies, webinars and other marketing opportunities.

Access software, education, and agency support

As an Agency Partner you’ll be able to connect directly with the Rush team through private Slack channels for immediate support needs or to request features you and your clients need.

As a dedicated partner, you’ll have direct access to the Rush team through through private Slack channels for immediate support needs or feature requests.

Who Should
Partner With Us?

We’re looking for agencies that want to take their business beyond the ordinary. We provide innovative marketing, sales & consulting services so they can grow by offering what's best in class!